The basic essentials to make the most of yourself to look and feel good at all times
Have regular hair cuts to keep your hair in good shape. Leaving any cut any longer than 12 weeks will result in dry, scraggy ends with no style definition that just gets harder and harder to look good. Find a style that is easy for you to maintain and always have a backup plan for a bad hair day, whether that is to tie it up in scrunchie or get out the straighteners.
Wear sunblock at all times. Always follow a daily routine of cleansing, tone and moisturise. Ensure that you find a product that suits your skin type. Go to a professional beauty counter for advice. Don’t just follow the trends of your friends or the latest article in a magazine.
Healthy Eating
The old adage ‘you are what you eat’ is so true and when you have a balanced diet, it shows. This makes you feel good inside and this feeling radiates to your appearance. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and avoid those that have plenty of preservatives.
Dress well
Find a style that suits you and is comfortable. Don’t just follow the fashion trends because they look good on the model. Unless you have the exact figure, height and colouring undoubtedly the outfit will look totally different on you. Try new styles and take advice from friends. How you see yourself can differ greatly from how others see you. Find colours that suit your skin tone and hair and stick with these as the main colour for your outfits.
Be nice
This is the most effective way to look good, if you are nice to other people, they will appreciate you no matter how you look. They will neither remember whether your hair was coiffured or windswept or whether your nail varnish was chipped and flaking. They will only remember how you were with them and how you made them feel.
A simple set of rules here but sometimes simple is best.
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